
Facts On Adolescent Binge Drinking › Consequences › Difficulty Learning New Concepts/Ideas

Difficulty Learning New Concepts/Ideas

Long term binge drinking has been shown to affect learning, in particular, the region of the brain that aids in the formation of memories, called the hippocampus.13, ,

In studies involving humans, adolescents with alcohol use disorders had nearly 10% less volume in their hippocampus. These adolescents had a more difficult time accessing their memories than their peers. The hippocampus is the region of the brain that is vital to the formation of new memories. If a student has alcohol in their system while in class or studying, they are less likely to store information in their memory. Learning and storing memories are complex processes. The brain is working hard to turn the information learned into memories, even after one stops thinking about it. Therefore, drinking after spending a day in the library will often negate any work done.

Other research has found the following links between binge drinking and learning:

  • Teenage binge drinking has been linked to impaired mental and social development, reduced school performance and attainment, and increased likelihood of school drop-out.
  • Frequent binge drinkers were 8 times more likely than non-binge drinkers to miss a class, get behind in schoolwork, get hurt or injured, and damage property.
  • Eleventh-grade binge drinkers were four times more likely to have used alcohol on school property (24% vs. 6%), an indicator of heavy alcohol involvement, and almost three times more likely to have been drunk at school (30% vs. 11.5%).
  • Within 9th grade, one-sixth of binge drinkers reported getting into trouble in school and trouble with schoolwork, about six times higher than among occasional users.

 “Drinking to intoxication seems to be particularly associated with poorer functioning on tests of learning and memory and on visual-spatial tasks such as doing a puzzle.”
--Susan Tapert, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of California and one of the leading researchers using magnetic resonance imaging to assess the impact of binge drinking on the brain in youth.


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Winters, K. C. & T. Mitchell. Under Construction: Adolescent Brain Development and its Implications for Preventing Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Prevention Tactics. 8(8):2005.

Winters, K. Alcohol and the Adolescent Brain: Tastes Great, Less Functioning. 2006.

Winters, K. C. & T. Mitchell. Under Construction: Adolescent Brain Development and its Implications for Preventing Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Prevention Tactics. 8(8):2005.

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Binge Drinking Hand Outs: Governor’s Prevention Advisory Council Statewide Strategic Planning Workgroup.  EMT Group, Inc. 2003.

Binge Drinking: Medical and Social Consequences. Institute of Alcohol Studies. http://www.ias.org.uk/factsheets/binge-drinkingmed.pdf

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